Glide 2x, 3.x Texture Memory Address Calculation by Execom/ realtechVR (c) Copyright realtechVR 2000 Revision 1.1 - March, 29th 2000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=- 1) WHAT IS GLIDE ? Glide is a 3D API from 3Dfx Inc. designed for maximize performance of 3Dfx Voodoo series 3D accelerators. For more informations, go to =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=- 2) WHAT IS GLIDEMEM ? GlideMem is an C++ API for managing texture memory allocation for 3Dfx. Since 3Dfx API doesn't provide a high level interface for that thing (you can only load texture to a certain address but can't free it). I can be rewritten for C easily. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=- 3) WHAT DOES GLIDEMEM ? When you are allocating a texture with Glide, you usually use this function : FX_ENTRY void FX_CALL grTexDownloadMipMapLevel( GrChipID_t tmu, FxU32 startAddress, GrLOD_t thisLod, GrLOD_t largeLod, GrAspectRatio_t aspectRatio, GrTextureFormat_t format, FxU32 evenOdd, void *data ); The problems is to manage correctly the startAddress parameters. Basic implementations, begin with startAddress = 0 and increment it until there is no more memory. GlideMem computes efficiently the best startAddress automatically. It works like malloc and free. Here is how to use it : a) Initialize Glide API b) instancies GlideMem once. gldmem = new GlideMem(); c) Computes the startAdress startAddress = gldmem->alloc( grTextureMemRequired(evenOdd, info), tmu); where grTextureMemRequired is a Glide API function that returns the memory required according the envOdd and info. See grTextureMemRequired in the Glide API for more info. tmu is the Texture Memory Unit where's you want to store the texture. d) When you have finish with your texte, you can release it by calling : gldMem->free(startAddress, tmu); With the same startAddress that GlideMem gave you before. e) repeat c) and d) operations has many time. You can call gldMem->coreleft(tmu) to get the amount of memory left. You can also track the oldest texture and release it if you are running out of memory. The counterpart (but this 'dynamic' allocating must be programmed by yourself). f) When exiting the program, make a delete gldmem; g) Release Glide API That all. With that, you have more control of the texture memory and knows exactly how many textures are loaded, and the memory usage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--=-==-=-=-=- 4) API Documentation The API is quite simple. PROTOTYPE : GlideMem::GlideMem() DESCRIPTION : Initialize Glide Memory Manager PROTOTYPE : GlideMem::~GlideMem() DESCRIPTION : Release Glide Memory Manager PROTOTYPE : GrMemOffset GlideMem::alloc(size_t , GrChipID_t ) DESCRIPTION : Allocate a buffer of bytes in the selected texture unit . If not specified, allocate for TMU0 PROTOTYPE : void GlideMem::free(GrMemOffset , GrChipID_t ); DESCRIPTION :Release a memory block from the selected at the texture unit If not specified, free for TMU0 PROTOTYPE : void GlideMem::garbageCollection(GrChipID_t tmu); DESCRIPTION :if you are running of memory, you can force a garbage collection (sort of 'defrag' of you memory). However, a garbageCollection is done each time you made a free. PROTOTYPE : unsigned GlideMem::coreleft(GrChipID_t tmu) const DESCRIPTION :Return the amount of memory in bytes left in the select TMU PROTOTYPE : unsigned GlideMem::getNumbersOfBlock(GrChipID_t tmu) const; DESCRIPTION :Return the numbers of textures allocated in the given TMU. You can track leak errors by checking if getNumbersOfBlock()==0 before exiting your program. * END OF DOCUMENTATION *