HOT Tip ! How to use the Glide Switcher - January 24, 1999 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Today's Tip comes to us from Todd, AKA MrRuin2U. He writes : " Bill, With regard to the Guillemot Glide switcher, here is the way I got it to work. 1) Create a temporary directory for both sets of drivers. One for each. For instance I used C:\Windows\tempVB for the Banshee driver and C:\Windows\tempV2 for the Voodoo driver. 2) Run the exe prog for each set of drivers so as they will now reside in their respective temp directories. BTW, You can do this without uninstalling any of your cards. If your cards are installed aleady you're basically just reinstalling drivers. 3) Once you have the drivers in their respective directories, run the G-mot glide swap prog and when it asks for each set of drivers, type the paths for the directories you have created. First the Banshee and then the Voodoo2. That's how I did it and it worked for me. Your results may vary..............:=) IMPORTANT : Make sure you DON'T run the glide sweep utility in the voodoo2 driver set up. For more info there is a thread in the Guillemot forum site that basically tells you the same thing I did. >forums>gamers Cheers, Todd " ------------------------------------------------------------------- I had trouble getting the Guillemot Glide Switcher to work right the first time, and Todd came to the rescue. I could not find any instructions anywhere. Hope this helps others. Thanks to Todd for his HOT Tip of the Day! BTW, you can use this little utility with other Banshees. ______________________________________________ Source :